Deal Advisory
We’ll advise you on national and international transactions
Valuation & economic and dispute advisory
We’ll value your business fairly and realistically
Debt advisory & treasury services
Funding and treasury consulting to the client’s advantage
Tax for businesses
Because your business – national or international – deserves better tax advice.
Business Process Solutions
Measuring and utilising company data
Tax for financial institutions
Financial services tax – for banks, asset managers and insurance companies
Global mobility services
Avoid double taxation – and minimise costs
Employment law
Representation for businesses
Commercial & distribution
Making purchasing and distribution legally water-tight.
Financial Services | Legal
Your Growth, Our Commitment.
Business legal
Doing business successfully by optimally structuring companies
Real estate law
We cover everything on the real estate sector, the hotel industry, and the law governing construction and architects, condominium ownership, and letting and renting.
IT, IP and data protection
IT security and digital innovations
Mergers & acquisitions (M&A)
Your one-stop service provider focusing on M&A transactions
Sustainability strategy
Laying the cornerstone for sustainability.
Sustainability management
Managing the change to sustainability.
Legal aspects of sustainability
Legal aspects of sustainability
Sustainability reporting
Communicating sustainability performance and ensuring compliance.
Sustainable finance
Integrating sustainability into investment decisions.
Grant Thornton B2B ESG-Study
Grant Thornton B2B ESG-Study
International business
Our country expertise
Entering the German market
Your reliable partners.
Corporate information
pursuant to § 80 AktG (German Stock Corporation Act), § 5 DDG (Digital-Dienste-Gesetz) and DL-InfoV (German By-Law on Information Duties with respect to Services)
Grant Thornton AG
Johannstraße 39
40476 Düsseldorf
T +49 211 9524 0
F +49 211 9524 200
E request@de.gt.com
W www.grantthornton.de
Registered office: Düsseldorf
Commercial register: District court Düsseldorf HR B 62734
VAT registration number: DE 811137269
Supervisory Board
WP/StB Joachim Riese (chairman of the supervisory board)
WP/StB Prof. Dr. Martin Jonas (deputy chairman of the supervisory board)
Managing Board
WP/StB Prof. Dr. Heike Wieland-Blöse (CEO)
RA/StB Dr. Jan Merzrath
WP/StB Marc A. Sahner
German member firm of Grant Thornton International.
Warth & Klein Grant Thornton AG is a German public audit firm both admitted and registered in Germany.
Regulatory body
Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts
Rauchstraße 26
10787 Berlin
T +49 30 726161 0
F +49 30 726161 212
E kontakt@wpk.de
W www.wpk.de
Professional law and regulations
1. Public Accountants Act - Wirtschaftsprüferordnung (WPO)
2. Statute of the Chamber of Public Accountants - Berufssatzung für Wirtschaftsprüfer/vereidigte Buchprüfer (BS WP/vBP)
3. Statute on the Quality Control
4. Regulation on Professional Indemnity Insurance
You find these professional regulations and information at www.wpk.de.
Professional indemnity insurance
Grant Thornton AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft has insurance protection from Versicherungsstelle Wiesbaden, Dotzheimer Str. 23, 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany. The range of this insurance protection covers activities within the EU member states as outlined under Section 54 WPO in conjunction with the regulation on professional indemnity insurance for public accountants.
Responsible for the content
WP/StB Marc A. Sahner
Wolfgang Schäfer
Please take note of our Legal disclaimer.
Further corporate information
Grant Thornton Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Sitz München