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The German Parliament has passed the so-called VRUG (Verbandsklagenrichtlinienumsetzungsgesetz), a law to implement a prior European Union Directive. This law came into force in October 2023 and introduced a more far-reaching class action regime in Germany. Here, qualified consumer protection organizations are entitled to take legal action.

The new type of class action in Germany has several requirements that are similar to those of the previous type of class action that already existed in Germany. In contrast to the previous type of class action, a so-called collective total amount can be demanded from companies, among other things. The previous type of class action continues to exist.

The introduction of the new type of class action is expected to lead to new legal proceedings by consumer protection organizations against companies. Economic expertise is often required in such proceedings, for example in relation to damages or other specific economic issues. We provide economic expertise on complex issues in the dispute. Our work is based on a good understanding of the interplay between legal and economic issues.