Andrea Stoiber-Harant - German Public Auditor
Andrea Stoiber-Harant is Partner in Audit & Assurance at the Munich location of Grant Thornton. She has many years of experience in assistance in and audit of national and international companies including public interest entities. She conducts audits of individual and consolidated financial statements of companies from different industries, including Private Equity, Real Estate, Automotive, IT, Metal Industry, EMS and Trade, prepared according to German GAAP and IFRS.
Fields of expertise
- Audits of annual and consolidated financial statements according to German GAAP and IFRS
- Assistance within corporate transactions, IPO process and IFRS conversion projects
- Other audit and assurance services (e.g. Capital increase audits, AUP)
- Arbitrator's decisions
- Chamber of German Public Auditors [Wirtschaftsprüferkammer]
- Institute of Public Auditors in Germany [Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V. (IDW)]
- German Public Auditor
- Master of Science
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