Patrick Embacher - Lawyer
Since 2010 Patrick Embacher has focused on giving legal advice on designing and implementing business models related to setting up and managing conventional and renewable sources of energy and cable-based telecommunications infrastructure for local government and local government-run enterprises. In implementing a project, he works closely with his client’s management and not only ensures, as an expert on the regulatory framework of local government infrastructure projects, that the legal requirements are kept but is also an experienced communicator for all the stakeholders.
Fields of expertise
- Infrastructure at municipal installations (electricity and gas, wind and solar, telecommunications)
- Drafting and negotiating complex cooperation and transaction agreements
- Legal project management, incl. compliance with corporate governance and assistance at committee meetings
- Assistance with government proceedings (local government supervision, Federal Network Agency [BNetzA], Federal Cartel Office [BKartA], BaFin) and court proceedings
- Specialised commercial and company lawyer training
- Numerous publications, incl. Säcker, Körber: TKG – Aktueller Praxiskommentar [The Telecommunications Act – An Updated Practical Commentary]
- Lawyer
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