Fabian Greco - Tax Adviser
Fabian Greco works in the Indirect Tax department (VAT). He has several years of experience in advising national and international clients of all sizes on VAT issues.
Fields of expertise
- Focus on VAT in the retail sector
- Support in tax audits, special VAT audits and appeal proceedings
- VAT advice in connection with corporate restructurings
- Support with regard to VAT declaration obligations in Germany and abroad
- Advise on ESG tax topics
- Greco, Hille-Kaatz: "Verschmelzungen im Umsatzsteuerrecht" [Mergers in VAT Law] in MwStR, 2024, 335
- Greco / Hille-Kaatz: "Demergers from a VAT perspective“ [Spaltungen im Umsatzsteuerrecht] in MwStR 2021, 840
- Forst / Schaaf / Greco: “Gavelkind as an alternative in restructurings of commercial partnerships” [Realteilung als Alternative bei der Umstrukturierung von Mitunternehmerschaften] in WPg 15 2020
- Düsseldorf Chamber of Tax Advisors [Steuerberaterkammer Düsseldorf]
- Tax Adviser

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