Daniela Heitele - Tax Adviser
Daniela Heitele is Partner in the Berlin office and has more than 20 years of experience in the field of tax advice. Her fields of expertise comprise tax advice to medium-sized businesses, some of them family-run businesses, in the real estate and service industries, as well as to businesses in the retail and consumer goods sectors.
Fields of expertise
- Tax consulting services to partnerships and corporations with national and international business
- Advice to German and foreign property investors on tax law and business matters
- Statutory declaration duties and tax planning with focus on corporate tax law
- Assistance during tax audits and appeal proceedings
- Preparation of financial statements for national companies
- Berlin-Brandenburg Association of Tax Consultants, Public Auditors and Sworn Auditors [Berlin-Brandenburger Verband der Steuerberater, Wirtschaftsprüfer und vereidigten Buchprüfer e.V.]
- Diplom-Kauffrau [Master's-level graduate in business administration]
- Steuerfachangestellte [Tax Assistant]
- Tax Adviser

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