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Thomas Leschke

Thomas Leschke

Tax Adviser

Thomas Leschke is Partner and works in the Advisory service line. He has about 20 years of experience from a number of projects in different sectors. His core advisory activities include the assistance with corporate transactions for vendors or investors and restructuring / reorganisation advice for mostly medium-sized businesses.

Fields of expertise

  • Transaction advice: financial due diligence (sell side or buy side), M&A, accompanying advice
  • Restructuring / reorganisation (expert opinions on restructuring, preparation or examination of reorganisation concepts according to IDW S 6, expert opinions on solvency; certificates pursuant to Sec. 270b of the German Insolvency Statute [InsO])
  • Management consulting



  • Der Betrieb, 19.04.2013, issue 16, „Rechtssicherheit durch Sanierungskonzepte – Neufassung des IDW S 6“ [Legal certainty through restructuring concepts - revision of the German standard IDW S 6]
  • VentureCapital Magazine, 2013 – special issue, „Vom Businessplan zur Venture Capital-Beteiligung - Vorbereitung zahlt sich aus“ [From business plan to venture capital investment – preparation pays off]
  • Tax Consultant
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Thomas Leschke
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Thomas Leschke
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