Tax Adviser
Olaf Ludwig works in the Tax service line at the Leipzig office. He has more than 25 years of experience in tax advisory for commercial and public benefit enterprises and special expertise in electronic tax audits and cash-intensive businesses.
Fields of expertise
- Preparation of tax returns and other tax advisory services
- Assistance at examinations by tax authorities and VAT, payroll tax, or cash reviews
- Taxation of charitable companies
- Management consulting of social enterprises iincluding restructuring consulting
- Chamber of German Tax Advisers [Steuerberaterkammer]
- Association of German Tax Advisers [Steuerberaterverband]
- Member in the Deggendorf Forum for digital data analysis e.V. (DFDDA)
- Lecturer for online seminars at the DWS-Steuerberater Medien GmbH
- Author of numerous publications of the DWS-Steuerberater Medien GmbH
- Diplom-Betriebswirt [Master's-level graduate in business management]
- Tax Adviser
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