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Frank Mandalka
Senior Manager

Frank Mandalka

Frank Mandalka has over 20 years’ experience in advisory and auditing in the financial services sector at Big Four and medium-sized audit firms. He also led IT & Rating as the department director at a banking association for five years, where he was responsible for the development of the IT strategy, IT landscape and rating system. As a member of the BAIT working group at the Bundesverband für Leasingunternehmen (BDL) [Federal Association of Leasing Companies] he has assisted with implementation of the current banking supervisory requirements on IT.

Field of expertise

Advice on implementation of the regulatory requirements of current MaRisk, BAIT and DORA, gap analyses on the proper implementation of the regulations and auditing of proper implementation as part of annual audits and internal audits, particularly regarding information risk and information security management, identity and access management, business continuity management and outsourcing.


Specialist group on IT compliance in finance and insurance (ISACA)

  • Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
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Frank Mandalka
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Senior Manager
Frank Mandalka
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