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Marc A. Sahner
Board member, Partner

Marc A. Sahner

Marc A. Sahner - German Public Auditor and Tax Adviser

Marc Sahner is a member of the Board of Directors at Grant Thornton in Germany. He has more than 20 years of professional experience as a tax adviser, public accountant and auditor for quality assurance in auditing financial statements and audit-related advisory for international, mid-market and for the most part owner-run companies. Marc Sahner’s sector focus is the chemistry & pharmaceuticals industry, the wholesale and retail sectors, service providers of all kinds, and the technical equipment and engineering industry.

Fields of expertise

  • Audits of financial statements and consolidated financial statements
  • Integrated assurance services, particularly for professionalising commercial processes or preparing capital market transactions (‘exit readiness’)
  • Internal controls & internal audit
  • Fraud audits & other special-purpose audits on an ad hoc basis
  • Peer reviews


  • Co-author of the practice commentary: Qualitätskontrolle in der Wirtschaftsprüfung [Quality control in auditing], Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, Cologne 2002
  • Publications in the field of compliance:
  • ‘Big Data & Internal Investigation – große Datenmengen effizient analysieren’ [‘Big data & internal investigation – analysing large amounts of data efficiently’, best practice contribution to the BUJ Compliance Summit 2015, together with Christian Knake]
  • ‘Compliance in Zahlen’ [Compliance in numbers] (November 2012/FINANCE)
  • ‘Compliance Management: Rechte und Pflichten des Aufsichtsrats’ [‘Compliance Management – rights and duties of the supervisory board’, best practice contribution to the BUJ Compliance Summit 2013, together with Willi Viefers)
  • ‘§ 130 OWiG und IDW PS 980, Spannungsfeld oder echte Haftungserleichterung?’ [‘Section 130 of the Administrative Offences Act and IDW PS 980 – an area of conflict or real relief from liability?’, best practice contribution to the Compliance Summit 2014, together with Christian Knake)


  • Institute of Public Auditors in Germany [Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer e.V. (IDW)]
  • Chamber of German Public Auditors [Wirtschaftsprüferkammer]
  • German Public Auditor
  • Tax Adviser
  • Diplom-Kaufmann [Master's-level graduate in business administration]
Marc A. Sahner
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Marc A. Sahner
Board member, Partner
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