Prof. Dr Jonas - Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Prof. Dr Jonas is deputy chairman of the supervisory board of our company. The focus of his work is consulting, auditing and expert opinions on economic issues, in particular business valuations. He has over 30 years of cross-industry experience in advising and auditing corporate transactions of both medium-sized and large listed companies and is one of the best-known specialists in legally initiated valuations and expert opinions.
Fields of expertise
- Business valuations
- Advice on corporate transactions
- Management expert opinions and analyses, assessment of damages
- Inheritance and succession planning and settlement payments
- Expert opinions on business subjects in arbitrations and court proceedings, and for parties
- Fachausschuss für Unternehmensbewertung und Betriebswirtschaft (FAUB) of the IDW [Expert committee for business valuation and business management of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany - IDW]
- Chairman of the "Trendwatch" expert committee of the IDW
- Chairman of the supervisory board of VR-Bank Rhein-Sieg eG
- Auditor (honorary) of the German Rowing Association (DRV)
- Berufsständische Bewertungspraxis/Besonderheiten des DCF-Verfahrens/Berücksichtigung von Steuern [Professional valuation practice/particular features of the DCF method/recognition of taxes); in Rechtshandbuch Unternehmensbewertung [Legal Handbook on Business Valuation], 2014
- Wertminderung und Wertaufholung [Impairment and write-up]; in Beck’sches IFRS Handbuch, 4th ed. 2012 (new edition in 2015)
Commentary on Sections 246-48, 252-56; Nomos Handkommentar HGB [Nomos Smaller Commentary on the German Commercial Code], 2nd edition 2015 - Besonderheiten der Ermittlung eines objektivierten Unternehmenswerts kleiner und mittelgroßer Unternehmen [Particular features in calculating the objectified business value of small and medium-sized enterprises) (IDW Praxishinweis (Practice Notes) 1/2014), WPg 2014, p. 463f.
- Kapitalmarktgestützte Bewertungsmodelle in Zeiten von Kapitalmarktverwerfungen [Capital market-supported valuation models in times of capital market distortion], in Festschrift für Ballwieser, 2014
- Diplom-Volkswirt [Master's-level graduate in economics]
- Tax Adviser
- Tax Advisor
- Dr jur.
- Professor

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