Andreas Serafin - German Public Auditor and Tax Adviser
Andreas Serafin became head of our Financial Services service line on 1 October 2020. He has more than 25 years of professional experience in the finance sector and occupied a top level position with global responsibility for two internationally operating banks in Germany and Switzerland. He also has experience as Partner dealing with supervisory matters as well as accounting and audit, both at a reputable medium-sized national audit firm and at one of the international Big Four.
Fields of expertise
- Audits of annual financial statements for credit institutions and financial service institutions
- Advice on supervisory law, risk management, compliance and accounting
- Monitoring and testing concerning fraud and money laundering
- Internal audit and audit of internal control and risk management systems
- Institute of Public Auditors in Germany [Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V.]
- Chamber of Public Auditors [Wirtschaftsprüferkammer]
- Co-author of the German Banking Act (KWG), commentary on German Banking Act including German Solvency Regulation (SolvV), German Liquidity Regulation, German Large Loans Directive (GroMiKV, MaRisk, published by Schäffer-Poeschel (2009)
- Numerous publications on MiFID, MaRisk and supervisory law (2004 – 2014)
- German Public Auditor
- Tax Adviser
- Diplom-Ökonom [Master's-level graduate in economics]

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