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Solveig Wickinger

Solveig Wickinger

Solveig Wickinger - Tax Adviser

Solveig Wickinger is a Partner and heads the Tax Advisory department in the Tax service line. As a Tax Advisor, she has many years of experience in advising groups of companies and individual businesses from various industries on tax, and, in addition to the daily challenges of taxation, advises them in particular on reorganisations, transactions and cooperation models. Due to her many years of work at the fiscal authorities she has a wealth of experience in relation to their procedure. Businesses from various industries regularly seek her advice in connection with complex external tax audits. As a member of the Energy & Natural Resources industry group she advises clients mostly from the real estate and energy business. Solveig Wickinger gives lectures on the tax challenges in these sectors. 

Fields of expertise

  • Commercial tax law
  • Transaction services, reorganisation tax law


  • Legal advisory board of the vedec Verband für Wärmelieferung e. V. [Heat Suppliers' Association]
  • Member of the Economic Board of the CDU party
  • Tax Adviser
  • Diplom-Finanzwirtin [Master's-level graduate in finance]
Solveig Wickinger
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Solveig Wickinger
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