Anna-Lena Thomsen - German Public Auditor
Anna-Lena Thomsen is a Senior Manager who is responsible for the quality control and assurance methodology of sustainability information in the One ESG team. She is the special contact for national and international auditing standards as well as general issues and fundamental questions on sustainability assurance methodology. She also has many years of experience in auditing annual and consolidated financial statements, mostly of the subsidiaries of international parents. Furthermore, she has two and half years’ experience in specialist work on principles at the IDW in standard setting and implementation.
Fields of expertise
- Auditing of non-financial reports, sustainability reports and information under Art. 8 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, ISAE 3000 and ISSA 5000 with limited and reasonable assurance
- National and international auditing standards
- Fundamental issues of sustainability assurance methodology
- IDW working groups for audit and CSR reporting engagements
- Lectures at the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany [Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V.]
- WPg 01/2023, p.3, Neue IDW Prüfungsstandards für die Prüfung von Abschlüssen und Lageberichten weniger komplexer Einheiten (IDW PS KMU) [New IDW Auditing Standards for Auditing the Financial Statements and Management Reports of Less Complex Entities (IDW AuS SME)]
- Author of KMU Prüfungspraxis – Spezieller Leitfaden für die Prüfung weniger komplexer Einheiten [SME Audit Practice – Special Guidelines for Auditing Less Complex Entities]
- German Public Auditor
- Master of Science - Auditing

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