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Anna-Lena Thomsen
Senior Manager

Anna-Lena Thomsen

Anna-Lena Thomsen is a Senior Manager in the Professional Practice Group. She is the contact person particularly for national and international assurance standards, as well as for general and fundamental questions about assurance methodology (including sustainability). She has extensive experience in auditing annual and consolidated financial statements, particularly those of subsidiaries of international companies. In addition, she has 2.5 years of experience in professional practice at the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW) in the areas of standard setting and implementation.

Fields of expertise

  • National and international auditing standards
  • General and fundamental questions about assurance methodology (incl. sustainability)
  • Auditing of annual and consolidated financial statements


  • Institute of Public Auditors in Germany [Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V.  ΜΆ  IDW]
  • Chamber of German Public Auditors [Wirtschaftsprüferkammer]


  • Lectures at the IDW
  • WPg journal 01/2023, p.3
  • Author of SME audit practice [KMU Prüfungspraxis]
  • German Public Auditor
  • Master of Science in Auditing
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Anna-Lena Thomsen
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Senior Manager
Anna-Lena Thomsen
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