Thorsten Esser - German Public Auditor and Tax Adviser
Thorsten Esser has been working for our company since 2007. As a German Public Auditor, he works in the Audit & Assurance department and has many years of experience in auditing and advising medium-sized companies with an international focus.
As head of the Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industry, he is your first point of contact and coordinator of all our services in this area. In addition, Mr. Esser is a proven industry expert for temporary employment and personnel services.
Fields of expertise
- Audits of financial statements and consolidated financial statements and Management consulting for medium-sized enterprises
Focus: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industry, temporary employment and personnel services
- Institute of Public Auditors in Germany, Incorporated Association [Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V.]
- Chamber of German Public Auditors [Wirtschaftsprüferkammer]
- Duesseldorf Chamber of German Tax Advisers [Steuerberaterkammer Düsseldorf]
- Diplom-Kaufmann [Master's-level graduate in business administration]
- German Public Auditor
- Tax Adviser

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