Christoph Wunsch - Partner in the Audit & Assurance service line
Christoph Wunsch is Partner in the Audit & Assurance department and head of Business Risk & Forensic Services. He assists leading mid-market and listed companies both nationally and internationally in preventive and reactive measures. He has many years of experience in internal audit, forensic services, risk and compliance management.
Fields of Expertise
- Internal audit co- and outsourcing
- Prevention and detection of economic crime
- Risk and compliance management
- Systems of internal control
- Corporate governance (e.g. advising supervisory boards)
- German Institute of Internal Audit [Deutsches Institut für Interne Revision (DIIR)]
- Diplom-Volkswirt [Master's-level graduate in economics]
- Diplom-Kaufmann [Master's-level graduate in business administration]
- Auditor of internal audit systems (DIIR)
- Certification in Control- Self-Assessment (CCSA)
- Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)
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