Why mid-market companies should now be thinking about getting advice on sustainability

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires mid-market companies to report on sustainability and have sustainability reports audited. Mid-market companies therefore face major challenges. Sustainability is a job for management! We offer ESG advice and let you know what you should be doing now. With our sustainability consulting, we’ll help you master the regulatory tasks that your company is now facing.

As an audit firm, offering audit services is in our DNA. This also applies to ESG. As auditors, we offer to audit ESG requirements for you (in accordance with the CSRD). Any questions? 

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Our areas of consulting

Sustainability strategy

Laying the cornerstone for sustainability.

Sustainability management

Managing the change to sustainability.

Legal aspects of sustainability

Legal aspects of sustainability

Sustainability reporting

Communicating sustainability performance and ensuring compliance.

Sustainable finance

Integrating sustainability into investment decisions.

Grant Thornton B2B ESG-Study

Grant Thornton B2B ESG-Study

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"Our auditing increases trust in your sustainability reporting. What’s important to me is to offer you maximum assurance and reliability for this complex topic."
Claudia Schrimpf-Dörges Partner

Advice on sustainability – what mid-market companies need to know now

ESG – a success factor for the mid-market

ESG – a success factor for the mid-market

ESG and sustainability refer to the areas of ecology, economy and social responsibility. They shape business decisions in the mid-market.
A comprehensive sustainability strategy makes companies competitive for the long-term.
Corporate image and customer retention profit from a thought-through ESG strategy.
The subject of sustainability is becoming ever more important – due to Directives and legislation like the Supply Chain Act and the new EU CSRD standards.

How sustainably are German mid-market companies already working? How about you?

Mid-market companies are no exception to reporting and auditing obligations on sustainability. The basis for this is the EU directive on sustainability reporting, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).  

We offer sustainability reporting, ESG auditing and sustainability consulting tailored to suit the needs of the German mid-market. That’s how we help you master the requirements that companies are now facing.

As the basis for this, Our Grant Thornton experts developed the ESG Mid-market 2024 Pulse Check. The main results of the study:

  1. 38 percent of companies asked have not yet considered the ESG regulations in detail.
  2. There is a discrepancy between ESG readiness and actual implementation status.
  3. ESG/sustainability management can become a cost trap because 50 percent of respondents didn’t have any ESG accounting.
  4. The top 3 drivers of implementation for ESG management, besides regulations, are reputation, customers and suppliers.

Do you need assistance with setting up your ESG reporting? Contact us at any time

In our study, you’ll find recommendations for action on how mid-market companies in particular can implement their sustainability reporting. ESG topics should already be included in the business strategy of mid-market companies.

Currently, far more than half of mid-market companies and SMEs have not drawn up a non-financial declaration or other sustainability report.

Talk to us if you need help with drawing up and implementing your ESG strategy. We offer ESG consulting and will help you with all the challenges you now have to master. 

Contact us now!

ESG auditing, sustainability consulting and ESG consulting

What we offer you:

  • Auditing of sustainability reports and individual KPIs
  • Assistance with compiling sustainability reports, introducing a sustainability strategy, conducting a materiality assessment or development of non-financial KPIs
  • Assistance with implementing ESG reporting processes, including CSRD and the EU Taxonomy Regulation.
  • Analysis and implementation of reliable ESG management
  • Tested sustainability reporting according to your business partners’ requirements
  • ESG auditing by German Public Auditors
  • Audits and expert opinions on potential investment decisions concerning sustainability.


Interested in sustainability consulting and ESG advisory?

What does ESG mean to mid-market companies?

The challenges arising from the need to transform due to ESG are fundamental to the German mid-market. We see five major points:

  1. Lack of resources
    Proper ESG reporting requires ESG data that can be evaluated. Large swaths of the mid-market does not yet have sufficient resources.
  2. ESG factors
    The ESG factors, i.e. environmental, social and governance factors, for reliable ESG reporting are complex. Recording them requires all-round understanding and experience.
  3. Data and data quality
    We are currently still observing a lack of high-quality data to establish excellent ESG reporting.
  4. Requirements of investors, customers and staff
    The pressure in the area of ESG is currently growing on the mid-market from all stakeholders. They all want transparent reporting that allows them to quickly estimate the company’s efforts in sustainability.
  5. Regulation and compliance
    ESG requirements offer more potential for the compliance of mid-market companies to be jeopardised. 



The term “sustainability” is wide-reaching and refers to the environmental, social and governance (= ESG) aspects of a company. It can also apply equally to the internal and external effects of company policy and strategy.

Today, ESG advice and sustainability consulting is a must. Legal conditions have to be complied with to prevent image and reputational damage. The subject is complex and often not easy for mid-market companies to implement. That’s why it makes sense to have ESG advisers at your side who are familiar with all the details – not least to be able to prevent liability risks.

An all-inclusive sustainability approach not only prevents negative consequences but also creates positive ones – a sustainable business strategy ensures compliance, long-term retention of staff and customers and a positive image. 

Our ESG advisory and sustainability consulting experts will work with you to develop the right strategy for you and your company to master the social and environmental effects of the sustainability requirements. 

Our survey from 2023 showed that 70 percent of the questioned mid-market companies and 90 percent of SMEs had not yet drawn up a non-financial statement or sustainability report.  There is still the need to act because legal provisions like the Supply Chain Act (LkSG), compliance regulations and the new CSRD are compelling companies to act.